The Finesse(习题1)
- 问题
- 题解
- Enumerate the 5 legal clues that Alice can give right now, along with their clue names.
- What is the best clue?
- Alice can clue blue to Bob, touching the blue 1 as a Play Clue.
- Alice can clue number 1 to Bob, touching the blue 1 as a Play Clue.
- Alice can clue yellow to Cathy, touching the yellow 2 as a Play Clue.
- Alice can clue blue to Cathy, touching the blue 2 as a Finesse on the blue 1.
- Alice can clue number 2 to Cathy, touching the yellow 2 and the blue 2 as a 2 Save.
The best clue is the Finesse because it gets two cards played right now. (The team can give a Play Clue to the yellow 2 later on.)