花火是一款需要逻辑和推理的合作卡牌游戏。Our group, called the H-Group, was started back in February 2016. We play Hanabi a lot, using the Hanab Live website and a Discord server to get pick-up games going. Everything doesn't always go perfectly, but we strive to constantly improve. Naturally, we have also built up a set of conventions that we all agree upon at the beginning of the game so that it is easier to understand what everyone else is doing. As the list of conventions got longer, we wanted to make sure that everything was documented in an official capacity.
Are you looking to start playing games with the H-Group? Head on over to the beginner's guide.
Have you found your way here from the Internet? That's fine too. Feel free to cherry-pick strategies for your own group, or even adopt the whole convention framework. We enjoy talking to other Hanabi players, so make sure to say hi in the Discord server as well. (Discord is a voice and text chat application that you can run in a browser.)
我们翻译本指南的目的是希望广大中文玩家能通过 H-Group 寻找更多的玩伴、交流策略、或创造新变体,不管您是想与 H-Group 的外语玩家游玩,还是只想与朋友们绞尽脑汁、挥洒汗水,我们都推荐您记下各个术语的英文原文。考虑到中文社区的玩家很可能会与使用英语的玩家一起游玩,所以我们保留所有在交流时至关重要(或常常需要使用的)的英文原文,而非使用中文翻译,譬如「Focus」等,但我们在同一个页面中,仍然会在第一次出现的英文名词前附上翻译(若没有,则说明该术语暂无翻译)。与此同时,我们希望部分英文术语后面标注的中文可能可以给你带来一些更直观的感觉,很多术语本身并没有具体的释义或难以翻译,所以不要盲目以翻译为准。
- 游戏规则 (文字版)
- 游戏规则 (视频版)
- Hanab Live (线上游玩花火的绝佳之地)
- Board Game Arena (不如 Hanab Live,但玩家不少)
- Hanab Discord 服务器 (寻找玩伴,交流策略之地)
- 花火中文社区 Discord 交流服务器(你可以在这寻找中文玩伴,以及对中文花火指南提出建议等)
- 花火中文社区 QQ 交流群(对于无法使用 Discord 的小伙伴,也可以选择加入 QQ 交流群:413886175)
- 你可以使用左右箭头快速在页面之间切换。
- 你可以使用
或Ctrl + K
来打开搜索栏。 - 你可以使用
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