Good Touch Principle(习题2)
- What action should Alice perform?
- If Alice should give a clue, what card note will be written on the focused card? (Be specific.)
- Alice needs to give a Play Clue to Bob's red 2 before it is discarded.
- If Alice clues red, then it would focus the red 2, but the red 4 would be duplicated (because it is already clued in Cathy's hand).
- If Alice clues number 2, then it would only touch the red 2.
- Thus, Alice should clue number 2 to Bob.
- Bob will write a card note with the following identities:
- red 2 (as a Play Clue)
- yellow 2 (as a 2 Save)
- (Bob knows that it cannot be a 2 Save on a green 2 because that card is present in Cathy's hand and it is not on chop yet.)