初学者指南Clue Interpretation(提示解读)Clue Interpretation(习题2)Clue Interpretation(习题2)53%问题题解Bob has a completely unclued hand.Alice clues number 2 to Bob, touching slot 5.What slot is focused?Is this a Play Clue or a Save Clue?What card note does Bob write on his slot 5 card?Slot 5 is focused.This is a Play Clue.(Normally, this would look like a 2 Save clue, but all of the 2's are currently playable. So it can't be a 2 Save and is just a simple Play Clue instead.)Bob writes a card note of "yellow 2, green 2, blue 2".AliceClue GiverClue GiverBob2Cathy