Nearly all clues send a distinct Signal about the card that is focused:
Play the card
Save the card
Trash the card (rarely)
Certain types of clues (likes Finesses or Bluffs) can result in Information Desynchronization. In order to resynchronize the team, normal Finesse Position blind-plays occur. After one or more blind-plays, the initial Signal will be sufficiently clarified.
But what if a clue is given such that a Finesse Position blind-play will never clarify the Signal?
In this situation, we agree that the next player should blind-play a card other than their regular Finesse Position. By doing so, they will Shift the original Signal in a fundamental way.
For example, in the 5 Color Ejection, the original clue's Signal Shifts from a Play to a Save.
This Signal Shift can take two forms: Ejection and Discharge.
Just like a Bluff, all forms of Signal Shifting can only be performed on the very next player.
This chart shows some existing Signal Shift conventions and how they relate to the three Signals.