The Negative 5's Tempo Clue (or Inverted 5's Tempo Clue)
Normally, if a color clue "fills in" a 5 (that was previously touched), and the clue touches no other cards in the hand, then it is obviously focused on the 5 - the 5 is playable right now.
However, as a special exception, if doing so makes another 5 in that player's hand known to be playable, then the clue is said to be focused on the other 5, making the original card clued not playable right now.
If a Negative 5's Tempo Clue only gets one card played, then it would also be a Tempo Clue Chop Move.
The Double Tempo Clue Inversion (Immediate Double Clue)
If a player is clued the exact same thing twice before it gets to be their turn, it means that they can play all of the cards that the clue touched, but in the opposite order than normal (right-to-left, since you would normally play cards from left-to-right).
If one of the cards includes the chop card, it means to play all of the cards from 2nd oldest to newest, and then the chop last.
If you are re-clued about a bunch of cards after you have already taken a turn, see the Double Tempo Clue section.
The Continuation Clue (Touching Both Inside and Outside a Layer)
Sometimes, a player who is blind-playing cards into a Layered Finesse receives another clue that touches cards both inside the layer and outside the layer.
By default, the player should assume that it is another normal Play Clue or Save Clue on a card outside of the layer, and continue to blind-play cards. This follows from Information Lock Principle. Play Clues given in this manner are called Continuation Clues.
Because Continuation Clues are the default interpretation, it can be difficult to give a Fix Clue, since a Fix Clue must only touch cards inside of the layer.