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Chop Moves

The Transfer Chop Move

  • First, see the section on blind playing *Chop Moved cards.
  • Sometimes, duplicated cards are accidentally Chop Moved through a mistake or through a complicated situation. When this happens, it is pointless to use a clue to "undo" the Chop Move - the team can just continue to allow the player to discard normally.
  • Subsequently, if someone does use a clue to undo the Chop Move, there must be a good reason. This means that the card they were about to discard is important, so the player should discard the now-known useless card and then permanently Chop Move their new chop.

The Misplay Chop Move

  • Sometimes, a desirable card is on the next player's chop and it is not directly cluable. In this situation, players can cleverly use the various kinds of chop moves in order to save the card (e.g. Trash Chop Move, 5's Chop Move, Tempo Clue Chop Move, and so forth).
  • However, none of these chop moves may be available to perform. In such a situation, players can Chop Move a player by giving them a clue to make them intentionally misplay the clued card. This works in exactly the same way as a Trash Chop Move, except that it the trash is not known to the player receiving the clue (and it costs the team a strike).
  • For example, in a 3-player game:
    • All of the 2's are played on the stacks.
    • Bob's hand is completely unclued.
    • Alice clues Bob red, touching one card on slot 1 as a Play Clue.
    • Bob assumes that it is a red 3 and immediately plays the card. However, it is actually a red 4 and it misplays.
    • Bob knows that if Alice is not making a mistake, then she must be trying to communicate something special. Similar to a Trash Chop Move, Bob can reason that multiple cards in his hand are important. He marks slot 2, slot 3, slot 4, and slot 5 as being Chop Moved.
AliceClue GiverClue GiverBob(4)After Bob misplays the red 4...BobChopMovedChopMovedChopMovedChopMoved
  • The Misplay Chop Move is the most costly type of chop move, so it should only be performed in a situation where no other kind of Chop Move would work.

Double Order Chop Move (for 3-Player Games)

  • This convention only applies to 3-player games.
  • In the Order Chop Move, players can play 1's in a certain order to Chop Move a specific player of their choosing.
  • In a 4 or 5-player game, skipping over three 1's would Chop Move the player three seats away. However, in a 3-player game, this would be nonsensical, since there are only 3 players in total.
  • Thus, in a 3-player game, skipping over three 1's should Double Chop Move the very next player.
  • In the rare case where four things are skipped over, it should skip over the next player and Double Chop Move the player after that.
AliceDoubleChopMoveChopMoveBobClue GiverClue Giver1DoubleChopMoveAlice1DoubleChopMoveCathy1ChopMoveAlice1ChopMoveCathy1CathyDoubleChopMoveChopMove

Spillover Chop Move

  • If an Order Chop Move or a Trash Order Chop Move is performed, but the player who is supposed to Chop Move already has every single card in their hand clued, then this is very strange.
  • In this situation, the Chop Move should "skip" over that player and Chop Move the next person after that.

The Negative Self-Chop Move

  • If a card has negative 1, 2, 3, and 4 on it, then it is explicitly known to be a 5, while not directly clued.
  • In this situation, it would be a waste of a clue for the team to clue it directly.
  • Thus, the player should self-chop move the card.

The Asymmetric Chop Move Dilemma

  • Sometimes, an asymmetric Chop Move occurs during a game.
  • For example, in a 3-player game:
    • During the Early Game, Alice clues number 5 to Cathy, touching a 5 that is one-away-from-chop.
    • Bob does not see anything else for Alice to do, so Alice's clue is probably just a 5 Stall.
    • However, it is also possible that Bob has a playable or savable card in his hand. If this is true, then Alice's clue would instead be an Early 5's Chop Move.
    • Next, Alice clues Cathy, causing Bob to blind-play a card as a Trash Bluff.
    • In this situation, Bob cannot determine whether or not the Trash Bluff was an Unnecessary Move. Thus, without any other conventions, Bob is not sure where Cathy's chop card is.
  • In such cases, we agree that Bob should assume that all moves are Necessary. This follows from Occam's Razor; assume the simplest possible thing is happening.