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These conventions apply to the "Deceptive-Fives" variants.

Deceptive 5 Saves

  • Any color clue to a chop card is first and foremost to be treated as a Save Clue on a 5.

Deceptive Loaded Play Clues

  • Loaded Play Clues are turned on but only apply to the color clues focusing on Chop.

Rank Save Promise

  • The rank of a Chop-Focus number clue must match the number of the card. In other words, players are not allowed to use a rank clue to touch a 5 if it is on chop.

Deceptive-Five Number Ejection

  • If a player breaks the Rank Save Promise, they must be intending to send an additional message.
  • In this situation, the intent is to have the next player Eject. When this happens, the clue receiver should mark their card as a 5.
  • For example, in a 3-player game:
    • It is the first turn of the game and nothing is played on the stacks.
    • Alice gives a number 3 clue, touching a green 5 in Cathy's hand.
    • If Bob blind-plays his Finesse Position, then Cathy would mark her card as a 3, which would be bad.
    • Instead, Bob blind-plays his Second Finesse Position as a Deceptive-Five Number Ejection. It is a yellow 1 and it successfully plays.
    • Cathy knows that an Ejection happened. The only Ejection that matches this sequence of events is a Deceptive-Five Number Ejection, so she marks her 3 as a 5.

The Ambiguous Deceptive-Five Tempo Clue

  • The Ambiguous Tempo Clue convention applies, and we agree that:
    • a color Tempo Clue should focus the right-most card.
    • an odd or even Tempo Clue should focus the left most card.