Dark Pink
These conventions apply to any variant with a dark pink (touched by all ranks and one of each) suit.
Black Conventions & Pink Conventions
Dark Pink "inherits" all of the conventions for black cards and all of the conventions for pink cards.
Some specific clarifications and exceptions are listed below.
Save Clues
- Just like a black suit, dark pink 3 and dark pink 4 are saved with a pink color clue.
Dark Pink Tempo Clues
- Normally, Tempo Clues on pink cards would never cause a Tempo Clue Chop Move (because Tempo on pink cards is important).
- However, this does not apply to dark pink cards. Tempo Clues on dark pink cards work as they normally do. (Meaning that it is possible to perform a Tempo Clue Chop Move by giving a Tempo Clue to a dark pink card, provided that all of the other normal Tempo Clue Chop Move conditions are met.)
The Fake 5's Chop Move
- Players are allowed to violate Pink Promise on dark pink cards in order to perform a Fake 5's Chop Move.
- This means that Pink Promise no longer applies to off chop cards when they are clued as a 5, unless it was just a 5 Stall.
The Fake 5 Pull & The Fake 5 Number Ejection & The Fake 5 Number Discharge
- Similar to the Fake 5's Chop Move, players can also violate Pink Promise in order to initiate a 5 Pull, 5 Number Ejection or a 5 Number Discharge.
- Sometimes, when a 5 Pull is occurring, it can be ambiguous to other players on the team as to whether a 5 Pull or a 5 Stall is happening. However, when a Fake 5 Pull (or a Fake 5 Number Ejection or a Fake 5 Number Discharge) is happening, everyone can be sure that it is a 5 Pull, because it would be illegal to violate Pink Promise when performing a 5 Stall.